in support of Visual Artists Guild Board Member Catherine Bauknight's documentary film
What: Premier of Catherine Bauknight's documentary film "Hawaii A Voice for Sovereignty" -
The struggles of indigenous Hawaiians to preserve their ancestral islands, their culture and eco-systems.
Hawaiian luau, Hawaiian culture demonstrations, surfing demonstration, silent auction and more
Where: Boulevard 3, 6532 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Ca. 90028 323-466-2144
When: Friday, February 29, 7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Cost:: $50 - including all food and entertainment
Reservation: contact
or visit
or call Visual Artists Guild at 310-539-0234
Supporters confirmed to attend:
Mark Kahanamoku (grandson of Duke Kahanamoku)
Carrie Ann Inaba of TV's Dance Wars and Dancing with the Stars
Running Deer, Sioux tribe's representative elder
Cast members of TV's LOST
Catherine Bauknight is a professional photographer and adjunct professor of Cal State Fullerton and CalPoly;
Catherine a Board member of Visual Artists Guild