* * * * * Sample letter * * * * * *
Ambassador People's Republic of China
July 8, 2000
Dear Honorable Ambassador ______
In the spirit of the Olympics and its 2008 theme "One World One Dream", this letter is to respectfully
request your support for the release of the
following 8 Prisoners.
Huang Qi
Sun Lin
Qi Chonghuai
Hu Jia
Yang Chunlin
Chen Guangcheng
Shi Tao
Yang Zili.
Your support for the release of these 8 prisoners before the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony on 8-8-08 would be a great symbolic gesture of good will towards the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Releasing these 8 individuals before the opening ceremony on 8-8-08 would also bring great comfort to these 8 individuals' families and it will be a sign of good faith to the world of social and humanitarian societies at large.
We respectfully request your assistance for the above 8 individuals in obtaining their immediate and unconditional release so that they can live in peace with their families and communities.
We request any assistance you may be able to offer so that the Summer Olympics of
8-8-08 will be celebrated as a spectacular effort by your country to build the ideal of "One World One Dream".
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