Saturday 31 May 2003
960 North Broadway, LA Chinatown
This year's commerationhighlights the importance of supporting the freedom of expression as wehonor the journalists who risk their lifes to reveal the stories oftenkept secret by individuals and governments. The pro-democracy movementis still strong in China had has a continuing effect on forcing the governmentto allow the open and free expression.
Special Guest Speaker
Sophie Beach
Asia Research Associate Committee to Protect Jounalists |
After receiving her B.A. from New York University, SophieBeach spent three years in China, where she worked at the Washington Post'sBeijing bureau and taught English at universities in Beijing and Tianjin.She received her master's degree from Columbia University's School ofInternational and Public Affairs in 2001. Sophie has also worked as aresearcher and consultant for Human Rights in China and has written free-lancearticles for Ms. Magazine and The Nation.
the Visual Artist Guild cordially invites youto attend our
Annual Award Dinner and
Saturday 31 May 2003 |
They asked the world . . . not to forget.
co-sponsored by Visual Artists Guild in Association with Pacific Basin Institute and the Hong Kong Forum |
Click here to make reservationsvia E-Mail
Visual Artists Guild is a non-profit organization as qualified under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue code. Donations are welcomed and tax deductible. This is an all volunteers' organization.