Please Join Us for an Observation of
International Human Rights Day
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
7:00 p.m.

Let us Re-Affirm the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Right to Dignity
The Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person
The Right to Equal Protection of the Law
The Right Not to be subjected to Arbitrary Arrest, Detention or Exile
The Right to Freedom of Movement to Leave or Return to one's country
The Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion
The Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
The Right to Seek, Receive and Impart Information  through any Media and regardless of Frontiers.
The Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
The Right to Take Part in the Government of one's country

Where: Consulate of the Peoples Republic of China
443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, California 90020

Please bring a photo and identify the Prisoner of Conscience you wish to bring attention to.

We will highlight the following:
Liu Xiaobo 劉曉波, Nobel Peace Laureate, sentenced and imprisoned
Liu Xia 劉霞, wife of Liu Xiaobo, in House arrest
Gao Yu 高瑜, journalist, arrested and tried
Guo Feixiong 郭飛雄 , lawyer, arrested and tried
Ai Weiwe i艾未未, artist, under house arrest
Wu Lihung 吳立紅, environmentalist, under house arrest
 Please also bring photos of Hong Kong activists who have been arrested or on hunger strike.

Please bring your phone with the Flashlight app or bring a flashlight
For Further Information please contact: 310-433-0697