DearHuman Rights Supporters,
During our six months of protest against the Beijing Olympicfloat in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, we have brought in support fromthe New York based Jews Against Genocide and the member group of NewYork Coalition for Darfur.
In our Human Rights Exhibition in December to observe theanniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Visual Artists Guildalso highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
Visual Artists Guild is joining in this protest in pressuringChina touse its leverage in Sudan to end the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
We hope that you will join us Tuesday [12. Feb. 2008] as well.
Ann Lau, Chair, Visual Artists Guild
Jewish World Watch To Announce Monthly Vigils Until Beijing Olympics
LOS ANGELES; On Tuesday, February 12, 2008, six months before theopeningceremonies of the Beijing Olympics, activists, athletes and celebritieswillgather at the Consulate of the Peoples Republic of China in LosAngeles - and at more than adozenembassies and consulates around the world - to urge China to use itsleveragewith Sudan to hasten an end to the ongoing violence and humanitariancrisis inDarfur. In addition, Jewish World Watch will announce that this willbethe start of monthly vigils at the Consulate of the Peoples Republic ofChina until the start of theBeijing Olympics in August.
As athletes around the world prepare to compete for gold in Beijing,advocateswill award China a symbolic, oversized Olympic lead metal forcontinuing tosupport the regime of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Additionally,advocates will deliver an open letter to Chinese President Hu Jintaosigned byNobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, actors, athletes, andpoliticians,urging him to intensify China's diplomatic engagement with the Sudanesegovernment to bring peace to Darfur.
WHAT: Global Day of Action at Consulate of the Peoples Republic ofChina
WHO: Janice Kamenir-Reznik, President, Jewish World Watch
Rev. HowardDotson, First Congregational Church Los Angeles
OtherSpeakers Being Confirmed
WHEN: Tuesday, February 12 @ 11:00am
WHERE: Consulate of the Peoples Republic of China, 443 Shatto Place,Los Angeles,90020
CONTACT : DianaBuckhantz, (213) 591-1681
"It isimperative that the world puts pressure on China - as Sudan's chiefdiplomatic sponsor, major arms provider, and largest foreign investorand tradepartner; and as host of the 2008 Summer Olympics - to use its uniquepositionto lead the world in bringing an end to the ongoing violence andhumanitariancrisis in Darfur," said Tzivia Schwartz-Getzug, Executive Director,JewishWorld Watch. "We will orchestrate these vigils from now until theOlympicsin Bejing to draw attention to the atrocities being committed in Darfur."
Jewish World Watch is a coalition of almost 60 synagoguesworkingtogether to mobilize synagogues, their schools, members and thecommunity tocombat genocide and other egregious violations of human rights aroundtheworld. In response to the 400,000 civilians that have been murderedandthe nearly 2.5 million people who have been displaced in the Sudan,JewishWorld Watch chose Darfur as its first advocacy campaign. Since itsinception, these synagogues have actively mobilized to stop thegenocide inDarfur and have allocated more than $1,000,000 in direct assistance tothepeople in Darfur. For more information, please visit
The Save Darfur Coalition raises public awareness about theongoinggenocide in Darfur and mobilizes a unified response to the atrocitiesthat threatenthe lives of people throughout the Darfur region. It is an alliance ofmorethan 180 faith-based, advocacy and human rights organizations. Thecoalition'smember organizations represent 130 million people of all ages, races,religionsand political affiliations united together to help the people ofDarfur. Formore information on the coalition, please visit footage from the Darfur border region, coalition events, variousinterviews, and more, please visit the Save Darfur Coalition mediagallery at footage may be previewed in non-broadcast quality and may bepurchased inbroadcast quality by filling out the purchase request form provided onthesite.