WHAT: Press Conference to call for the immediate release of Poet Zhu Yufu who was taken away
by China's Public Security Bureau police Beijing time September 17, 2018 at 10:30a..m.
新聞發布會呼籲中國立 即釋放朱虞夫
WHEN: Press Conference Monday, September 17, 2018 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Consulate of the Peoples Republic of China
434 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, Ca. 90020
CONTACT and Information: Ann Lau, Chair, Visual Artists Guild 310-433-0697
Zhu Yufu is the recipient of Visual Artists Guild's 2013 Champion of Freedom of Speech Award.
Statement by Julie Zhu, the daughter of Zhu Yufu, 朱虞夫女兒聲明在下
"September 17, 2018, 10:30 a.m. Beijing Time, my father, Zhu Yufu, the Chinese Democracy activist, poet and artist Zhu Yufu, was taken home by Hangzhou's Public Security Bureau.
My father, recently participated in the WeChat group "Conscience Art Auction". His painting and calligraphy work received 7,000 yuan. My father donated all his proceeds to the families of those prisoners of conscience in China. My father was warned in advance not to attend the auction. The Security Bureau said,"You yourself do not even have enough to eat, how can you donate to others?" My father said, "It is true that I have no food, but the families of other victims are worse than mine." The Security Bureau said, "If you persist, the consequences will be at your own hands."
However, my father insisted on participating in the auction. The next day, he was taken away five Public Security Bureau police. His house was ransacked and he is suspected of the crime of "subversion of state power."
My father is a veteran pro-democracy activist and joined the democratic movement in 1979. In June 1998, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for "inciting subversion of state power." In 2007, he was sentenced to two years in prison for "obstructing public service." In 2012, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for "inciting subversion of state power" and deprived of political rights for three years.
In March this year, 2018, he was released from prison. During his imprisonment, my father suffered many illnesses. His life is very difficult and have been constantly harassed by the Public Security Bureau police who visited his house many times.
My father though he himself suffers many difficulties, he still pays attention to the families of those prisoners of conscience.
My father's generosity of spirit and his charitable donations resulted in his current repression from the Hangzhou's Public Security Bureau should cause great indignation and concern from all people around the world.
Within China and within the international community, I am sure people will condemn this inhuman act and call on China to immediately release my father, Zhu Yufu.
朱虞夫女兒朱利 陳 述
我父親朱虞夫日前參加微信群“良心藝術品拍賣會”,他的一幅字畫作品“諸葛亮前後出師表長卷”拍得七千元人民幣,並將拍賣所得全部捐獻給良心 犯家屬,因此遭到打壓。事前朱虞夫曾經接獲有關部門警告,禁止他參加拍賣會。國保說:你已經連飯都吃不上了,怎麼還有錢捐給別人。我爸爸說: 我確實是沒飯吃,但是其他民主人士的家族比我更困難。國保說:如果你要堅持的話,後果自負。然而父親繼續堅持拍賣。第二天就被5個國保抄家並 帶走。這次被抄家和羈押的罪名是“涉嫌顛覆國家政權”。
朱虞夫先生是資深異議人士,1979年投身民主運動。 1998年6月因組建中國民主黨被以“煽動顛覆國家政權罪”判刑七年,2007年被以“妨礙公務罪”判刑兩年,2012年再次被以“煽動顛覆國家政權罪” 判刑七年,剝奪政治權利三年,今年三月剛剛刑滿出獄。長期監獄生涯,朱虞夫多種疾病纏身,出獄以後,沒有醫療保險,生活困頓。但是他仍然以極 大的熱情和愛心關注良心犯家屬。國保曾多次上門,進行無理騷擾。