Saturday, May 27, 2006
6:00 p.m. registration
6:30 p.m. dinner
Golden Dragon Restaurant.
960 North Broadway, LA Chinatown
cordially invites you to an
Annual Awards Dinner
Tiananmen Commemoration
In the spring of 1989, Beijing erupted with the largest spontaneous demonstrations the Peoples’ Republic of China had witnessed in its 40-year history since its founding in 1949. The pro-democracy movement quickly spread to over 30 cities around China before the world witnessed the horrors of the government’s brutal crackdown. As the Chinese people fled from the tanks and guns, they asked the international press to let the world know the truth.
They asked the world not to forget.
Featured Speaker
Mak Yin Ting
On the 10th anniversary of the hand over of Hong Kong to China, we are pleased
to invite Ms. Mak Yin Ting to make a special trip from Hong Kong to speak to us.
Mak Yin Ting has been on the forefront of defending press freedom in Hong Kong. As the Chair of the Hong Kong Journalists Association from 1996 to 1997, she led the way for the support of journalistic freedom especially during that critical period when Hong Kong was turned over to the Peoples Republic of China. She was also Chair of HKJA from 1999 to 2003. She has edited several significant reports for the Journalist Quarterly Perodical for the HKJA as well as for the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor.
Honored Guest
June Pulcini
June Pulcini is an activist who has worked for human rights and justice for more than 40 years. Among her many volunteer activities, she has served since l998 on the advisory board of the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST), which battles the international trafficking of men, women and children for forced labor
and prostitution
Date : Saturday, May 26, 2007
Time: 6:00 p.m. registration, dinner 6:30 p.m.
Place: Golden Dragon Restaurant
960 North Broadway, LA Chinatown,
Cost: Dinner Ticket: $25 Donor ticket: $50
Dinner is Chinese banquet style, vegetarian table available
For information and reservation please call 310-539-0234
Please mail check payable to Visual Artists Guild, P.O. Box 861132, L.A., Ca. 90086-1132
Postmarked by May 21, 2007
Number of tickets __________@ $25.00 $____________ Vegetarian_______
Number of tickets __________@ $50.00 $____________
Total enclosed $____________
I cannot attend, enclosed is my donation for $__________________
Background Information: For more information on the Tiananmen Massacre, please click on Tiananmen Story.
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Visual Artists Guild is a non-profit organization as qualified under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue code. This is an all volunteers’ organization.